How to get an Idaho real estate license
Salesperson license:
- Take your prelicense classes (Module 1 and Module 2).
- Pass the state and national portions of the salesperson licensing exam and get fingerprinted for the background check. Schedule the exam and fingerprint appointment through Pearson VUE at
- Fingerprints can take anywhere from 1 week to 12 weeks for processing. Read the IREC Fingerprint Instructions –
- We recommend having your fingerprints taken at a Pearson Vue test center, if possible. Electronic fingerprints are processed much faster than fingerprints made on a paper card.
- If you cannot have your fingerprints taken at a Pearson Vue test center, you must contact IREC to have a fingerprint packet sent to you. Take the fingerprint card to the nearest law enforcement agency to have your fingerprints rolled. Make sure you and the person who is taking your prints follow the fingerprint instructions exactly.
- Read the Pearson VUE candidate handbook for more information on topics covered in the exams. See the approved textbook list for resources helpful in preparing for the exams. The license law booklet and guidelines are available on the IREC website. See IREC’s approved-textbooks for information on obtaining copies of the other resource books.
- Fingerprints can take anywhere from 1 week to 12 weeks for processing. Read the IREC Fingerprint Instructions –
- Register a user name and password for the IREC online services. The online services allow you to track your own fingerprint status, license history, and education records.
- Your fingerprints must clear before you send in your application. You can check your fingerprint status by logging in to the online services. The message “RES-OK” on your fingerprint status means your prints have cleared. Contact IREC staff for assistance if you have ever had a felony or a professional license revoked.
- If you plan to immediately license on Active Status, arrange for Errors & Omissions insurance. The Commission has a group policy available through Rice Insurance Services Co. at , or ask your designated broker if you will be covered under a firm policy at the brokerage. Either way, you must have E&O coverage in place before you submit your application.
- Read and carefully complete the Idaho Salesperson License Application (Form REE-040 on the IREC website).
*VERY IMPORTANT* Be sure to answer every question and include all required attachments and the correct fee. IREC cannot accept incomplete paperwork, and all incomplete paperwork will be returned to you.